
Comprehensive Menu of Service to Suit all Needs

At 100 NY Carpet, we provide a wide menu of professional cleaning services for carpets, area rugs, furniture and more. All our services come with the knowledgeable advices and professional results of our highly qualified technicians. 

We offer you the following: 

  • Carpet cleaning
  • Rug cleaning
  • Upholstery cleaning
  • Mattress cleaning
  • Leather cleaning
  • Organic cleaning
  • Window treatments
  • Water damage repair
  • Mold Removal
  • Scotchguard protection
  • Sewage back-up
  • Bed-bug treatment programs

For your convenience, we perform these services to customers located in NY neighborhoods and surrounding areas throughout the five boroughs.

For your protection, all our professional services come with a complete satisfaction guarantee. If we fail to live up to your expectations, we re-do the service to meet your needs. 

Call one of friendly and knowledge customer service representatives today to learn more about our professional cleaning services.

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Call Us Now at 1800-692-2773 Or us our online form

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The Ultimate guide to keeping your home sparkling all year long...

Our Customers Say

I had our carpet cleaned and I was so impressed with Ralph. He was so nice and professional and had a sense of humor. He and helper were thorough. Ralph just kind of made my day with his attitude of l..."

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Yonkers, NY10701
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