Mold Removal

Invisible harm

Mold is a kind of fungi, comprising of tiny seeds (spores) that flourish both in and outside your home. Invisible to the human eye, they can be spread by air and wind and travel quickly. Without realizing it, we are constantly exposed to it – by eating, touching and breathing.

Don’t let it grow

When mold spores land on a damp surface, they can multiply rapidly. And then you have a problem – because even though you can’t smell it, it is an unpleasant growth which can be a potential health hazard. And the only real way you can eliminate this kind of problem, once and for all, is with professional help.

With the right kind of temperature (warm and damp), sufficient moisture and a food supply, mold will grow rapidly. All kinds of surfaces can help mold flourish – carpets, wood, paper etc. Inside you home, mold can grow in basements, bathroom tiles, leaky roofs and even wet clothes that you’ve left out to dry.

Call a professional

Mold is often found in areas where there is no air circulating and once it has spread, it may well ruin your possessions. Even worse, it can provoke all kinds of health problems, including itchy eyes, runny nose, wheezing, asthma, headaches, skin irritations and fatigue, putting you and your family at risk.

If it’s a small area, with no obvious signs of growth, you may be able to deal with the problem yourself. But if it has grown (especially inside walls, and under floors) you’re going to need professionals.

Tried-and tested methods

Here at 1800 NY Carpet, we’ve been in the business long enough to know exactly how to eliminate this problem – fast. We use specific chemicals, with tried-and tested techniques and machinery, to rid your home of this unpleasant situation. Even more importantly, we will take secondary steps to make sure it does not return.

We pride ourselves on our quick, efficient service and guarantee that you’ll be happy with the level of professional help you receive. And if you aren’t – we’ll return and do the job again for free!

1800 NY Carpet – we’re a business you can rely on.

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